Sunday, 3 June 2018

Project Necrons - A Milestone!

In my last post I talked about how I wanted to do a side project to my ever growing Eldar army, and that I'd chosen Necrons..

A little less than a month later and I've managed to build and paint a 1750 army! It's been a hugely enjoyable army to pull together, and I've already got plans on how to expand it up to 3000 points...!

I think that the deciding factor on how well this army has gone is that unlike other armies, I planned out what I wanted and in what order I was going to paint it.  I also only built the unit I intended to paint, rather than the entire army, which meant I didn't feel the weight of a large amount of unpainted minis looking at me accusingly.  This focussed my mind on the unit at hand, making sure that they were done to a good quality before moving on to the next one.

The Novokh Dynasty seemed particularly nasty to me - painting their armour red as to signify bathing in their enemies blood being a favourite - With talk of a C'Tan called 'The Crimson God' who makes his enemies explode in bloody fragments... who wouldn't want to play an army like that?


Some plan their armies based on the principle of 'WAAC' (Win At All Costs), some take a less aggressive, but still as tactical outlook, building a list for tournament use. Not me. I take units I want to paint - ones that look interesting to me. So whilst the list may look 'sub-optimal' to some, this is a great list for me, hence the speed of painting. It's interesting, balanced and I hope, fun to play with and against.

So, here's the army:

Overlord with Resurrection Orb and Voidscythe:

Cryptek with Canoptek Cloak:

2 units of Necron Warriors:

Unit of Immortals:

Unit of Wraiths:

Unit of Lychguard:

Unit of Scarabs:

Annhilation Barge:


And the centrepiece of the army so far - a Canoptek Tomb Stalker:

As kits go, this was a right bugger to build! Each segment of the throat is separate, allowing for flexibility, but at the same time you need to be nimble to position it correctly if you want to have it rearing up as I have... but as centrepiece it's stunning.

Now I've finished this 1750, I'm about to embark on another side project (again to 1750 points) - Imperial Guard.  But this one is based around a special set of miniatures...

1 comment:

  1. Stunning Nightscythe. I'm jealous you can build and paint to such s high standard so fast. I'm a Necron man, so I'm glad to see you've taken them up. They've got some great fluff and are responsible for the whole 40K universe being how it is.


My first ever fan fiction!

  My First foray into fan fiction - a Battletech short story!  I've been wanting to write short stories for a while, but never really go...