CONTENT WARNING - RACIST, SEXIST AND ISLAMOPOBIC SLURS AND INSULTS. In order to fully explain and highlight the case here, there's no avoiding them.
Now, subjectivity is a powerful thing here. Those who are normal, decent people will see these comments for what they are - offensive, divisive and wrong. Those who are 'true believers' of Arch's, will see them as 'spicy jokes', taken 'out of context' and most alarmingly, 'innocent' in their exposition.
These 'true believers' are the ones to watch, to worry about and to keep wary of. This is nothing new of course, over the last 20 years or so, maybe even since the dawn of the new internet age, the right wing, nationalist viewpoint has found a toe hold in Science Fiction and Fantasy (SFF) and used it to promote their views - from the Sad Puppies movement voting in blocs to stop BIPOC authors from winning Hugo awards, through to GamerGate and ComicsGate more recently, they all have the same common denominators - overwhelmingly male, white and Christian-background people with a fear of being sidelined after so many years of being in the driving seat.
So what do can we do to prove in this case that Arch is what we say he is? Thanks to various sources across the internet, here's a list of his views, statements and opinions as espoused by the man him self.
Before we continue in to explore the sewer that is Arch's channel, I want to just highlight that it's not all plain sailing on the seas of Alt-Right nationalistic racism though for Arch at the moment. Along with the issues highlighted previously (the bleaching of his Discord, the copyright strike, the removal of his TeeSpring account), he's now the subject of SEVERAL privacy complaints due to the content of his videos. Currently, Arch is claiming, though without evidence, that a fellow YouTuber (and avowed critic of Arch's) Leakycheese is behind the complaint - which is purely supposition, and in of itself, breaching YouTube's privacy rules...
I do like a good Auto-generated subtitle cockup...
What follows is a list of the YouTube videos, with the phrases used, and the approximate timestamps where they were used. I've not added any form of opinion on the use of the phrases, as to do so would in my mind prejudice the viewers opinion. However, it is of my opinion that these are NOT 'spicy' jokes, that these comments, and the language used lead to a more troubling fact - that a man, a grown man with a large following is using a hobby channel to espouse his views and, through the channel, impress on others the same beliefs. For a man who wishes to 'keep politics out of the hobby', he certainly has no compunction in using it to promote his own.
Romanians stealing 18:55
Little "Wapanese" 50:35
Mullato 8:47
I would like to be a Nazi 18:00
Raping women 45:13
Annexing Canada and Muslims 59:39
Visicous deaths & Muslims 41:40
Beat the women 58:10
Spastic damage 37:15
Kyle and Arch on Arabs 1:02:19
Arch on black women and mullato 16:33
Arch on rape p2 28:02
Negro 29:00
Most racist episode yet 53:46 (after talking about peanut butter and Mbato)
Ep 8
The disabled p2 46:10
Arch's co presenter Kyle on being banned from a forum for being a racist 1:02:20
Muslim and Turkish men 37:22
Defending white nationalist terrorism: During his video on the Christchurch shooter where he expresses anti-muslim views and tries to mislead on the origins of the where the white nationalist shooter was radicalised, claiming, despite the shooters own admission that it was due to online right wing discussions, of which Arch is without argument a member of, that it had nothing to do with the online culture,
His (canonically incorrect) views on why a Black Library cover shouldn't have a black Ultramarine -
Then we have his second channel, which is more outre in its output, claiming that the solution to 'Islamic Terrorism' should be more 'draconian', in stark relief to his views on the aforementioned Christchurch shooter -
Then we get to his masterpiece. So good, he's had to delist it - where he refers to Gnoblars as 'House N*****s' - his excuse? A black comedian used the same phrase, so it makes it OK for him to use it!
And finally, his Discord channel. It's commonly held (but denied by those close to Arch, but never by he himself) that he was given a choice once it was reported to Discord on the basis of it's content - racism, child protection concerns to name but two reasons - to either lose access to Discord or bleach it... the screenshots can be found here - Again, his supporter flip flop on these screenshots, some claiming they're fake, other claiming they're out of context... even though Arch himself has admitted they're real!
Just one or two would be enough for most, enough to think 'maybe Im in the wrong' but Arch? He just keeps on going.
It's not that he shouldn't have a voice - but why should such a divisive, destructive voice profit off promoting hatred of others, for nothing more than the colour of their skin, their sexual identity or orientation? He's in a position of influence - one that requires a level of responsibility and balance.
Which he sadly does not posses.
Arch is too much of a coward to answer the allegations himself - he WANTS to see everyone arguing, it supports his claim - dont give him the satisfaction.
So what do we do?
1) Report his videos to YouTube - if you see instances of hate speech, report them
2) Don't engage with his sockpupets on social media unless you really have to- just respond with a link to this blog if the ask for evidence
3) When they attempt to insult you, don't react - just ignore, block and move on.
And most importantly - make welcome to our clubs, our stores and our events those would be marginalised, excluded and vilified by Arch and those who follow him.
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