Last year, I made myself a promise that I wouldn't spend any 'new' money on anything related to my hobbies, be it Airsoft, Comic collecting or Wargaming. Any money I wanted to spend would need to be funded by the sale of other hobby items.
Problem was, I wanted a new Space Marine army, something that would challenge my painting skills, but also be fun to build over time.
The first couple of months of 2013 provided a 'fighting fund' of nearly £200 into my Paypal account (a sale of an airsoft rifle, quite a few comic books and a couple of games added up the sum).
So I started to hunt eBay for the right starting deal....
Which came along almost straight away! -
£54 (including shipping) got me:
20 tactical marines
10 assault marines
10 old style terminators
A squad of devastators
The 'bionic leg' captain
The old style Terminator Librarian
Mk1 Vindicator
Mk1 Predator Anhilliator
4 bikes
And a land raider crusader!
Then the big deal landed - £60 for 120 marines, 4 Dreadnoughts (inlduing a venerable dreadnought) and quite a few character models, alongside £40 for 3 Storm Talons and a Storm Raven!
Along with a purchase of £30 which garnered me a Damocles Rhino, a command squad and a classic veteran sgt, it had the start of a new army....
But what Chapter to do? Do I create one as I always have in the past, or choose a Chapter already established?
I went blue...
I've always fancied doing an Ultramarines army, but never got round to it. Well, now I was.... a whole bloody company no less!
I've gone for the 2nd Company, which is this one:
I've kept to the Insignium Astartes for the markings and icons, so that it's got a nice 'codex' feel to it.
In terms of collecting the parts, I now have enough to allow me to field the whole 2nd Company. All I need to do now is build and paint it all!
So without further ado, here's where I'm up to so far:
WiP Contemptor Dreadnought
My Masters of the Chapter - the one in the middle is my custom Marneus Calgar (based on the Legion Praetor model
My Tyrannic War Veterans - looking forward to the Dataslate for these boys!
Sternguard Squad (using the Anniversary Captain as a Veteran Sgt)
More HQ Choices (Two Games Day Captains, the DV Librarian and a Master of the Chapter)
Assault Terminators (the Sgt is from the Space Hulk set)
Classic Terminators
Tactical Squads
Tactical & Devastator Squads
Scouts with Sgt Telion.
I've got a long way to go yet, but I've really enjoyed painting these so far - of course, other projects get in the way but these are now a labour of love!
Would love to hear your thoughts on these - constructive criticism is always welcome!
how long did it take you to paint all of these? And have you thought about personalizing your army, or rather what kind of way you want to play them? They look great man, keep uploading the pics as you paint them!